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(The Rotary Year is from 1st July 2023 - 30 June 2024)

The Rotary Year for The Rotary Club of Chester-le-Street began on 1st July 2023

We inducted our new Club President: Rotarian
John Stewart for the year 2023 - 2024

President John's chosen charities for the forthcoming Rotary year are:-

We will continue supporting :- "Feeding Families", "Cystic Fibrosis", "Parkinsons",
 "Y.C Durham" and the annual "James Etherington Awards"

We will also be supporting Many Local Charities



Members & Guests of Chester-le-Street Rotary Club

The Rotary Club of Durham  celebrating 100 years since its foundation with a Centenary Dinner on Tuesday 18 April 2023 in the Great Hall of Durham Castle in University College, Durham, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant, Sue Snowdon, and the Right Worshipful Mayor of Durham City, Councillor David Freeman.


President  John Tootill Welcomes Mark Green as a new Member of the Club

Jim Lawrence presenting a £1,000 cheque Pat Kirkbride for Cystic Fibrosis       
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Visit  to Morpeth
Tuesday 8

Members of Chester-le-Street Rotary visiting Morpeth Rotary Club      
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Guest Speaker
A very Interesting Talk on
Friday 11th August
Stephen Wroe

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Certificates awarded to our new Associate Members
Friday 22nd September

                              Hilda Tootill                Freda Stewart  
                                    Freda Stewart                Scarlett Watson  

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The Lambton Worm
Coffee Morning
For Macmillan Nurses
Friday 29th September
From 11.00am
Please Support

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Guest Speaker
29th September - Derick Lawson
"Skara Brae"

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Certificates for our new Associate Members
Friday 29th September

              Phyllis Bell             Edna Lawrence

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Alvaston Hotel - Cheshire
9th to 13th October


A Warner Hotel
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Planting Purple Crocuses
to Mark the End of Polio
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"Pop Music"
17th November
A Local Musicians Evening
"The Fix"
At  "The Garden Farm" Chester-le-Street
7.00pm Tickets £4.00

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Guest Speaker
24th November - Jim Lawrence
"The History of Cameras"
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Club Meeting on Friday 8th December

A Christmas Message

12.00 Noon for a prompt 12.15 start

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QE Hospital

Christmas lights turn on


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Presentation of £150 cheque to Jo Laight at The Hope Charity

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President John Stewart Welcoming our Newest Member

Dav Kumar

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Burns Night 
January 25th



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James Etherington Awards



(L-R) Isabel Sheen, Tilly Stacey, Leo Bruce, Samantha Johnson,  Paul Leach, (behind); Daniel Marsh, Henry Geng, & Imogen Payne

Finalists, the winner was Daniel Marsh, the joint 2nd place were Leo Bruce and Samantha Johnson.

In addition an extra prize from Rotary was made to Isabel Sheen.

Link to James Etherington Awards

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Welcoming our New Members

Dav Kumar, Adele Tagart & Kit Kumar

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Marie Curie Collection at Morrison's

9th March


President John Stewart & Secretary Derick Lawson


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In recent years, to mark the advanced stages of the work of immunisation, a new name (End Polio Now) was introduced, and a new symbol adopted, to draw attention to the Cause and as a visual reminder of the huge progress to date.

The planting of deep, purple-coloured crocus corms, was planned to bloom to coincide with World Rotary Day on 24 March each year.

The 2023-24 Rotary Day at UNESCO will be held on 4 May 2024 in Paris, France, with a focus on education and peace.

    Crocus1 Crocus2  

This year we planted crocus around "The Jubilee Oak Tree"  planted in 2012

Link to the Jubilee Oak Tree

Why Purple?

The purple crocus is a symbol of Rotary’s worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, with its colour representing

The dye (Gentian Violet) used to mark the left little finger of a child who has been immunised.  

A lifesaving oral polio vaccine costs just 20p

This year we planted crocus around "The Jubilee Oak Tree"  planted in 2012

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Forthcoming Events 

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